英概[ yīng gài ]
⒈ 亦作“英?”。
⒉ 英雄气概。
⒈ 亦作“英槩”。英雄气概。
引《旧唐书·程务挺传论》:“务挺 勇力驍果,固有父风,英概辅时,克继洪烈。”
1️⃣ 📚【英语学习笔记】
"今天我遇到了一个新单词:英概。这个词在英文中表示‘英国人’或‘外国人’。比如:“I'm an English guy and I love British food.” 这句话的意思是我是一个英国人,并且我喜欢英国的食物。 英语学习 词汇学习"
2️⃣ 💻【留学生活分享】
"As a foreign student in London, I often hear people saying 'He's such an English guy.' But what does that mean? It means he is from Britain! Isn't it interesting how one word can have so many meanings depending on the context? 留学生活 文化差异"
3️⃣ 🌍【旅游探索】
"I was walking through the streets of Oxford, UK when I saw a sign that said 'Welcome to England'. It made me feel like I had just arrived at my new home away from home. What a beautiful country! 旅游探索 英国之旅"
4️⃣ 👤【职场交流】
In the office, we often talk about different cultures and their impact on business. Someone asked me if I could help them with some business terms. They mentioned 'English' as part of a phrase: "We need to establish our presence in the English market." So, 'English' here refers to the English-speaking countries, specifically the United Kingdom. 职场交流 商务术语"
5️⃣ 🎯【语言学习挑战】
During my language learning journey, I encountered this term '英概' which confused me at first. However, after doing more research, I realized it's actually related to immigration laws in China. If you're planning to study abroad or travel to the UK, understanding these concepts will definitely come in handy. 语言学习 移民政策