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⒈ 谓撰写文章。
引金 元好问 《示侄孙伯安》诗:“伯安 入小学,颖悟非凡儿,属句有夙性,説字惊老师。”
👉场景一: "我今天穿了红色裙子,就像一只可爱的蝴蝶。" 🐝dress up like a butterfly with your red dress today!
👉场景二: "我在厨房里炒菜,突然发现锅盖不见了,就像失踪的小猫咪一样!" 🍲The pot cover is missing! Like the lost kitty cat in my kitchen.
👉场景三: "我们班举行了一场有趣的拔河比赛,虽然输给了对手,但我们都觉得像在做游戏一样开心。" 🏹We had a fun tug-of-war game and even though we lost, it was just as exciting as playing games!
👉场景四: "我正在看一本关于动物世界的书,书中的故事就像是一个神奇的童话世界。" 📚This book about animals is like a magical fairy tale world!
👉场景五: "我刚吃完饭,肚子就唱起了歌儿,感觉好像有无数只小鸟在我的肚子里跳舞。" 🍽️My tummy is singing songs now; it's like there are lots of birds dancing inside me!
👉场景六: "我在公园里散步,看到一群鸟儿飞过头顶,就像是一场美丽的空中芭蕾表演。" 🦜️Birds flying overhead look like an amazing aerial ballet performance!
👉场景七: "我的好朋友生日快到了,我们决定一起举办一场特别的派对,就像在家里办了一个小型的宴会一样温馨。" 🎉Our friend's birthday party is coming soon—we're planning it at home like a small gathering!
👉场景八: "我们在海边玩耍时,看到了一艘小船驶来,就像一条小鱼游进大海一样可爱。" 🛩️A little boat comes sailing, so cute like a fish swimming in the sea!
👉场景九: "我昨天晚上看了一部超级好看的电影,剧情就像是一部充满惊喜和冒险的故事。" 🎬I watched a super cool movie last night—it was full of surprises and adventure stories!
👉场景十: "我刚刚完成了一项艰巨的任务,心里充满了成就感,就像拿到了一枚金牌一样骄傲。" 🥇After finishing that tough task, I felt proud like holding an Olympic gold medal!