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时间:2022-09-12 23:52:09 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2828字


Where are you from




You have a scant hour in which to pack.───你有一小时来整理行李.

Don't worry about not knowing much about the goods ; just compare and you will see which is better.───不怕不识货, 就怕货比货.

Yet, in real life, circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidences which anyone but a nineteenth century novelist would find incredible.───然而在实际生活中, 有些事情有时候的确好象神差鬼使一样地促成了一些除了十九世纪小说家外谁也不会相信的巧合.

Which is the largest?───哪一个最大?

There must be something wrong with my left arm, which is asleep.───我的左臂发麻,一定出什么问题了.

The South and North Pole are the two points at opposite ends of the earth, about which it revolves.───南北极是地球绕之自转的两个相对的点.

Which category does this item fall under?───这一项目应归入哪一类?

A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies.───真假参半的谎言最险恶.


That which does not kill us makes us stronger.Friedrich Nietzsche

A straw shows which way the wind blows.

Which jockey will be riding tomorrow?

He changed his mind, which made me very angry.

Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.