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时间:2022-09-13 04:01:16 作者:学习啦 字数:2794字


Happy together


凑乐───Happy together


Let be happy together. Are you ready?───让我们一起快乐吧, 你准备好了 吗 ?

I will be happy together with lover, even the life is drinking water and eating marinaded - vegetables.───和自己爱的人在一起, 喝水吃腌菜我也高兴.

And, you know, we've been happy together almost fifty years.───你知道, 我们非常快乐地在一起共同生活了将近五十年.

You're happy, I'm happy and Let be happy together!───你快乐, 我快乐,让我们大家一起快乐!

A: Friends are happy together.───朋友们在一起很快乐.

you know, we've been happy together almost fifty years.───你知道,我们非常快乐地在一起共同生活了将近五十年。

I still think we be happy together.───我仍认为我们能开心地在一起.

We're both happy together.───我们两都觉得很幸福。


She made believe that they were as happy together as they should be, and was careful to weep only in secret.

They were tolerably happy together, as marriages seem to go, a happiness achieved partly by agreeing to differ.

We're happy together now.

We were ecstatically happy together, and life had never looked better.

He wanted them to be as happy together as they were right now.