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时间:2022-09-13 08:03:04 作者:语文迷 字数:3611字


Double effect


双效───Double effect


Moreover, the double - effect absorption refrigeration system is also investigated.───同时也分析了直燃型双效制冷系统.

The process flow of steam absorption refrigerating and double - effect lithium bromide absorption refrigerating set were introduced.───介绍了常用的蒸汽吸收式制冷机组、双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机的工艺流程.

The double effect of the different seasons and stages of breeder was more obvious.───季节和种鸡日龄的双重影响对受精率和孵化率的影响更明显.

It's fixed but it moves. Double Effect Diposit. A fixed rate of interestinterest rates do.───明明是固定的,却可以移动. 双效存款:利率随市场而动的定息存款.

The soft - sensing prediction model - centration of citric double - effect evaporator process is founded on the PCA - BP neural network.───笔者采用PCA -BP 神经网络建立了蒸发过程出料液浓度软测量预测模型.

Increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has a double effect on coral.───大气中不断上升的二氧化碳含量对珊瑚有双重作用.

In this article, the author analyses its double effect and principle for selecting in detail.───本文详细地分析了其二重性及其选用原则.

The washer with douBle effect -- washing and drying -- is popular.───洗衣,烘干集一机,双重功能受欢迎.


The higher industry growth rate and the volatility, the faster the transfer of control, and there is a double effect.

At the normal temperature conditions, there were double effect of temperature and physiological age of cotton plant on fiber thickening development and fiber strength.

Market economy has "double effect" on the construction of campus culture at college, which is decided by the freedom, custom, snobbishness, competition , openness in the market economy.

The double effect of the different seasons and stages of breeder was more obvious.

The following simple example illustrates the double effect of higher interest rates and higher aircraft prices.