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时间:2022-09-13 12:01:40 作者:趣历史 字数:3281字






When he died, he left some works to Salai, while his more recent companion Francesco Melzi inherited his notebooks.───当他去世时,他把自己的一些作品留给了萨拉伊,而他后期的伴侣弗朗西斯科·梅尔兹(Francesco Melzi)则继承了他的笔记。

In the city center of Chennai guests discover unparalleled comfort and style at the Raintree Hotel, Anna Salai.───在金奈的客人城市中心发现无与伦比的舒适性和风格的酒店宾馆,安娜·萨莱。

Salai and da Vinci worked together for 25 years and is believed to be the inspiration behind several of the Renaissance artist's works.───Salai和达芬奇共事25年,据称为达芬奇不少文艺复兴画作带来了灵感的来源。

"Close examination of a high-quality digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai, " he said.───“对这幅著作的高品质数码拷贝的分析显示出的字母L是达芬奇的姓李奥纳多的缩写,S是萨莱的缩写,”文生说。

He said: "Close examination of a high-quality digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai. "───他说:“通过超近距离检测一份原作高清电子档,发现画作上留有字母L表示莱昂纳多·达·芬奇,以及S表示Salai”。

Salai, an effeminate young artist who worked with da Vinci for 25 years, is thought to have served as a model for several of his paintings.───萨莱,一位为达芬奇工作了25年的女性化的年轻(男)画家,,被认为是达芬奇几幅画作的模特。


"Close examination of a high-quality digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai," he said.