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时间:2022-09-13 12:03:03 作者:趣历史 字数:2888字




伟───Wei;得───have to


Chu Kuei - ying immediately stood up, but Tu Wei - yueh stopped her.───朱桂英 立即也站了起来.可是屠维岳拦住了她.

Tu Wei - yueh saw his dilemma at a glance and burst out laughing.───屠维岳 一眼瞧去就明白了,蓦地就狂笑起来.

Why is Xu Wei proud of China?───为什么徐伟为中国感到骄傲?

" Mr. Hua Wei has to leave on other business.───“ 华威先生还有别的事情要走.

Chou Chung - wei sprang up in alarm , his face flushed.───周仲伟 愕然一跳, 脸就涨红了.

Swearing angrily , Tu Wei - yueh brushed Kuei Chang - lin aside and ran on.───屠维岳 厉声骂着, 挥开了 桂长林,再向前跑.

The director Wei Tie made this successful movie.───导演魏铁拍了这部成功的电影。

Tu Wei - yueh's face twitched and his eyes glinted dangerously.───吴荪甫咆哮着. 屠维岳 脸上的肉轻轻一跳,他的眼光异样地冷峻了.


A single white wei chi stone.

Wei Dongli made a great deal of money in the pump-primed economy that the party engineered after June 4, 1989.

Wei first rose to prominence during the brief 1978-79 interlude of free speech known as the Democracy Wall movement.

Zhong wei products make profits for our clients.

Life was like wei chi in that respect; the master chose to play a waiting game, to plan ahead.