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时间:2022-09-16 08:01:37 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2467字


My office


我处───My office


David: That sounds more like what I had in mind, but I'll have to check with my office first. Then I'll confirm it with you later today.───大卫:那个听起来倒跟我原本想的差不多,不过我还是得先跟公司确定一下。随后在今天晚些时候,我会跟你再确认一下。

Something very serious has suddenly popped up today, and I'll have to be at my office tonight until very late.───今天突然发生很重要的事情,所以今晚得在办公室待到很晚。

When I entered my office later, I found a message for me. Bartleby had been taken to prison.───之后当我进入我的办公室,我发现一个给我的便条。巴特利拜已经被送进了监狱。


My office is on the fifth floor.

My office is just along the passage.

My office is at street level .

Would you like to step over to my office? I have a suggestion that may be to your advantage.

He staffed my office with two secretaries.