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时间:2022-09-17 16:04:54 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2547字


there's not enough time


来不及───there's not enough time


Fretting and complaining that there's not enough time will only waste more of your time.───懊恼并抱怨自己没有更多的时间只会浪费你更多的时间。

As the load increases, there's not enough time to run Metronome and write out the audit log.───随着负载的增加,不再有足够的时间来运行Metronome和写出审计日志。

Alwayss think there's not enough time.───总是认为没有足够的时间。

There are a lot of cars that I'd like to see in the game , but it 's a long waiting list , and there's not enough time to get them all in.───有很多车型我都希望能加入到游戏中。但这是一个长长的名单。实在没有足够时间把它们都加入。

But there's not enough time to have that five times a week.───但事实是一周七天中,连五次这样的机会都没有。

But there is, there's not enough time. There is no, no song I could sing, and there is no combination of words I could say.───但是,没有足够的时间。没有,没有我可以唱的歌,没有我可以说的话语。
