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时间:2022-09-25 20:01:26 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2816字


Old score


老谱───Old score


For some of the girls there "s an old score to settle."───对于一些女孩有一个旧账解决。

The Old Trafford defeat may have been undeserved, but there is no quibbling with the aggregate score.───老特拉福德之败或许有些冤,但看看总比分,枪手的颓势便一目了然,毫无争议。

She succeeded the second attempt of 125kg, bettering the previous score by two kilos, and she shattered the minute-old mark with a lift of 128kg in the third.───她在第二次试举中成功举起了125公斤的重量,比上一次成绩提高了2公斤,在第三次试举中又以128公斤的重量打破了几分钟前的纪录。

Burton Cole, a former mercenary, is offered one last contract and the chance to settle an old score with Hochburg.───伯顿•科尔,前雇佣兵,被指派最后一项任务,试着解决与霍克伯格的旧账。

I borrowed this stupid ship. To settle an old score in South America and we can't control it.───我“借”走了这艘愚蠢的飞船,来算一笔在南美洲的旧账,但我们控制不了它。


Did he have any enemies - someone with an old score to settle ?

There was no place like the thick of battle for settling an old score.

Stanford settled an old score Friday by defeating Siena 94-72.