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时间:2022-09-29 04:03:56 作者:趣历史 字数:2534字


I won't take the subway


铁───iron;我不会───I can't


Iron casts better than copper.───铁比铜好铸.

She was known as the 'Iron Lady'.───都称她为“铁娘子”。

The water was reacting with the ferrous iron in the tank.───水与水箱中的铁质产生化学反应.

The hot iron has slightly singed the cloth.───热熨斗把布烫焦了一些.

A country ruled by an iron hand is doomed to suffer.───被铁腕人物统治的国家定会遭受不幸的.

A iron bar is solid; a pipe is hollow.───铁条是实心的, 管子是空心的.

The huge, iron gate was locked.───那扇巨大的铁门被锁上了。

It is pitiful to see that the life of an animal in a zoo is spent in an locked iron cage.───看到动物园里的动物一生都被关在铁笼子里,真是令人可怜.


The iron heats up under the sun.

They used to extract iron ore from this site.

The bed has an iron frame.

Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron.

Women who are dieting can become iron deficient.