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时间:2022-10-05 16:03:51 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2801字


Fu Sheng


赋生───Fu Sheng


The third chapter introduces the particular objective in this thesis, Fu Sheng Liu Ji, and its individual translators.───第三部分介绍了《浮生六记》及其两种英译本的译者。

This kind of behavior in any of the companies are in violation of law, after the incident, Fu Sheng left the company.───这种行为在任何公司都是违反天条的,事发后傅盛离开了公司。

Fu Sheng in violation of the relevant agreement, the company has the right to repurchase their shares of 1 yuan.───傅盛先生违反相关约定,公司有权以1元回购其股权。

Fu Sheng in violation of the relevant agreement, the company has the right to repurchase their shares of 1 yuan.───如傅盛先生违反相关约定,公司有权以1元回购其股权。

This time, the prosecution of Fu Sheng, is the last ditch.───这一次起诉傅盛,实属不得已而为之。

This is online map of the address "Fu Sheng Zhuang Xiang , Zhuozi County, Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" .───这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市卓资县福生庄乡”匹配的在线电子地图。


This kind of behavior in any of the companies are in violation of law, after the incident, Fu Sheng left the company.