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时间:2022-10-13 12:04:40 作者:语文迷 字数:2476字


Order a pizza


披萨饼───pizza ;定───set


This is the thing where you go and you have to make your own pizza?───就是你们去的那个地方,在那里你们不得不自己做批萨?

Let's send out for a pizza.───我们订一份外卖比萨饼吧。

I flips over the pizza.───翻弄比萨.

The pizza and burgers filled the children.───比萨饼和汉堡包把孩子们填饱了.

Let's Go Out for Pizza!───吃比萨啦!

They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place.───他们已经实现了系统的计算机化,以保证比萨的送货准确无误。

They dug into the pizza hungrily.───他们开始大吃比萨饼.

a ham and mushroom pizza───火腿蘑菇比萨饼


Let's go to that new pizza place tonight.

She cancelled her order for a pizza.

He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces.

He shared a pizza with his son Laurence.

Shall I grind a little black pepper over your pizza?