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时间:2022-10-16 12:04:45 作者:趣历史 字数:3006字






By onefold cultivate the stereo agriculture move to intercropping interplanting.───由单一种植向间作套种的立体农业转移.

I've decided to use interplanting in this field.───我决定试着在这块田地里套作两种蔬菜.

techniques of interplanting pumpkin in young plum garden were summarized in this paper.───介绍了在幼龄梅园套种南瓜的栽培技术。

Study on the Growth Effect of Interplanting Altingia under the Forest Canopy of Pinus massoniana Lamb.───与马尾松林冠下套种细柄阿丁枫生长效果研究>>相似的文献.

The major reason for cross infection was interplanting in mulberry fields.───桑园间作是造成病害交互感染的重要原因。


Effects of interplanting with zero tillage and wheat straw manuring(ZIS) on rice growth and grain quality were studied in a wheat-rice cropping system.

Interplanting with Cassia rotundifolia Pers significantly decreased the amount of fungi and increased the amount of actinomycetes and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in different soil layers.

Adaptability of interplanting of eucalyptus plantation with white tephrosia (Tephrosia candida DC.

The residue accumulation status of copper in orchard soil where bordeaux mixture was applied for many years, its effects on fruits and intercrop and interplanting of another crop were elaborated.

Study on the Growth Effect of Interplanting Altingia under the Forest Canopy of Pinus massoniana Lamb.