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时间:2022-10-21 08:00:51 作者:学习啦 字数:2377字


Add field


加场───Add field


Now, add a field to return the employee's information.───现在,添加一个区域以返回雇员的信息。

example, add field HASBEENCHANGED to your Employee form and give it a default value of 1. ───比方说,在 Empolyee 表单中添加字段 HASBEENCHANGED 并赋予默认值 1。

What if a week later you needed to re-align the fields or to add another field for the country?───如果一周后您需要重新排列这些域或者添加其它国家的域怎么办?

In the Add Field or Group dialog box, set the Name property to CustomerID, and then click OK.───在“添加域或组”对话框中,将“名称”属性设置为CustomerID,然后单击“确定”。

For example, add field HASBEENCHANGED to your Employee form and give it a default value of 1.───比方说,在Empolyee表单中添加字段HASBEENCHANGED并赋予默认值1。

The Add Field or Group dialog box appears.───此时出现“添加域或组”对话框。
