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时间:2022-10-26 04:13:17 作者:学习啦 字数:3263字






We took our holidays in Hualian and had a whale of a good time.───我们到花莲度假,玩得非常快乐.

Next to Hualian Building around thecorner.───紧邻着街角的华联大厦.

SX - M Multi - Points monitoring System for Cleanroom applied for Shanghai Hualian Pharmacy for the first time.───1999洁净环境 实时 监测系统首次成功使用在上海华联制药厂.

Again went to the city of Hualian, and the people shopping.───再次点就去市华联, 人民商场.

In Jinshan District, employees can freely opt to shop at Ruixin Department Store, Shihua Department Store, Hymall, Lotus, Lianhua, Hualian and so on.───百货、石化百货、以及乐购、农工商、易初莲花、联华、华联等大型超市,可为企业职工提供舒服便利的购物环境。

In order to get close to Zhang, Shen even made friends with her bosom friend, Wang Hualian.───为了接近张兆和,沈从文甚至和张兆和的闺密王华莲交上了朋友。

Hualian company acquired a further increase in the number of stores, scale advantage of the strengthening.───收购华联后公司门店数进一步增加, 规模优势加强.

The cream of Shanghai cosmetics can Be found in the Hualian Commercial Building.───上海化妆品的精华在华联商厦.


Through seismic wave analysis it is inferred that the Hualian quake was probably caused by double offsets in the seismic source.

Hualian is in the east of Taiwan, about a four hour drive from Taipei.

We rode back to my japanese tatami-style house in Meilun Hualian. The Pacific Ocean glistened in the east. Cloud-covered mountains towered high above us to the west.

We took our holidays in Hualian and had a whale of a good time.