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时间:2022-11-02 08:02:39 作者:学习啦 字数:2888字






Her whole soul was possessed by the fact that a fuller life was opening before her.───她的整个心灵已陶醉在一种前景中,仿佛更丰富的生活向她敞开了大门.

Denis paid tribute to Fuller with the duet Valse à la Loie.───丹尼斯赞扬了富勒在 Valse à la Loie 里的二重唱。

After the rain the lotus flowers looked fuller.───雨后荷花显得更加润泽了.

Technology should be used to give man a happier, fuller, and richer life.───技术应该用来使人们生活得更幸福, 更美满, 更丰富.

The darkest hour is that before the dawn. - --- Fuller.───黎明前的时分是最黑暗的. ---- 富勒.

The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office.───大学评议会投票将富勒免职了。

Other leaflets will give fuller answers to the questions we have considered.───其它小册子将更加全面地回答我们思考的这些话题.

Thicker and fuller hair would make them more confident at work.───较浓密的头发能增加他们工作时的自信.


The moon was fuller than the night before, but the light was diffused by cloud.

Please make this coat a little fuller across the back.

The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office.

They advertise clothes 'for the fuller figure'.sentencedict.com/fuller.html

This shop sells dresses for the fuller figure.