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时间:2022-11-17 12:04:09 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2880字


Fermented grains


醲醅───Fermented grains


One such substitute was a salty paste of fermented grains, an early precursor of modern soy sauce.───其中之一的替代品就是咸的粘贴粮醅,它就是现代酱油的祖先。

Such flavoring liquid had composite flavor of pits flavor and fermented grains flavor and aftertaste clear.───该黄水调味液具有窖香、糟香的复合香和尾净的特点。

Good distilling operation could successfully transfer 80 % flavoring materials of fermented grains in liquor.───蒸馏操作好的,可将酒醅中80%的香味物质转移到酒中。

Increasing the height of fermented grains around the wall would not reduce boundary effects evidently.───增加边界区酒醅的高度不会明显改善甑边效应。

Distilled beverages are the ones that contain ethanol produced by the distillation of fermented grains, vegetables or fruits.───蒸馏酒是一种含有乙醇的饮料,这些乙醇从发酵的谷物、蔬菜和水果中蒸馏而来。

During stacking fermentation process, fermented grains could collect and accumulate airborne microbes and microbes on producing apparatus.───酒醅在堆积发酵过程中可以网罗空气和生产器具中的微生物,实现生产动力富集;


Distillation liberated the spirits from fermented grains and fruit juices, and in time ethyl alcohol was purified.