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时间:2022-09-13 16:02:37 作者:趣历史 字数:2853字


Daming is watching TV




Daming: What are you doing, Simon?───大明:你在做什么呢,西蒙?

Daming: And what happens?───大明:会发生什么?

Simon and Daming: Thank you.───西蒙和大明:谢谢。

Daming was hurt. The doctor said he had to stay in hospital for about two weeks. His father has to go to take care of him.───大明受伤了。医生说他大概得住院两周,他的父亲得去照顾他。

Daming: And I collect tickets-you know , bus tickets and train tickets!───大明:我收藏票-你知道的,公交车票和火车票。

Shenzhen Daming Da Industrial Co. , Ltd. is a professional production of PVC anti-static packaging tubes, plastic boxes of the company.───深圳市达明达实业有限公司是国内专业生产PVC防静电包装管、吸塑盒的公司。


Not infrequently does the septuagenarian walk over distance to Daming Lake Park.

Daming: First, open a new document. So use the mouse and click " new document "

Daming: Let's look at the instruction. "If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button. If you want to play back, press the green button."

Daming: And the characters I like are heroes like Superman or Batman.

He lives at the side of the Daming Lakefront with a fresh, and joyful view.