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时间:2022-09-13 20:05:59 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2822字


Woodland Mansion


林地───woodland;府邸───mansion house


They struggled over fields and through bush and woodland until at last the moment arrived.───他们挣扎越过田野,穿过灌木丛和林地,直到最后终于到达的一刻.

Smoking is forbidden in the woodland.───林区禁止吸烟.

Our house backs onto a piece of woodland.───我们的房屋后面是一块林地.

The trail wends its way through leafy woodland and sunny meadows.───这条小径穿过葱郁的林区和洒满阳光的草地.

North American woodland herb similar to and used as substitute for the Chinese ginseng.───北美森林地区的一种草本植物,与中国的人参相似,通常被用作中国人参的替代品.

The long whistles came with sad, musical effect as the lonely woodland crossings were approached.───当火车驶近荒凉的林地中的道口时,便传来长长的汽笛声,充满忧伤的 、 音乐般的韵味.

They are commonly adapted to either woodland habitats, often montane, or sometimes to grassland habitats.───它们通常适合于任何树林, 往往山地, 或有时草原栖息地.

Paths of bark chippings will help to give the impression of a woodland walkway.───铺满碎树皮的小路有助于制造林间小道的印象。


Our house backs onto a piece of woodland.