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时间:2022-09-13 21:18:32 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3259字


We are playing Tai Chi


打太极───Tai Chi;正在───In progress


Also consult literature and forums about relaxation, yoga, physiology and tai chi in general.───可以参考文献和论坛上关于休闲, 瑜伽, 心理学和太极都是同样的道理.

ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of Tai Chi exercise on somatic function of middle - aged females.───目的观察简易太极拳运动对中年女性身体机能的影响.

Our Tai Chi course provides fundamental training on Yang Style.───本院太极课程以教授杨式太极为主,教授基本及进阶步法.

Classes are suitable for those wishing to learn Tai Chi as a art or for health.───这些课堂适合对太极拳有兴趣或有意改进健康的人仕参加.

Yoga and Tai Chi are also good for the mind – not only the body.───瑜伽和太极也对你的大脑有好处——不仅对身体有好处.

The type of boxing , chang quan, Houquan, breaking four - door, and the Immortals, such as tai chi.───拳的种类,有长拳 、 猴拳 、 破四门 、 地八仙 、 太极拳等.

It tells the story of a Chinese migrant (played by Chow) in the US who works as a dishwasher in Chinatown and hides his skills as a Tai Chi master.───它讲述了一个在美国的中国移民(由周扮演)的故事,该移民在唐人街担任洗碗工,隐藏了他作为太极拳大师的武艺。

I am in good health and I practise tai chi every day.───我身体很好,每天都耍太极.


Can I have more time, I like to tai chi chuan.

Tai Chi Chuan is a building sport, which conforms to the physiological and physical principle.

May the Energy of Tai Chi be with you!

Tai Chi exercises your body and your mind.

Practice yoga, tai chi, or Qigong.