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时间:2022-09-13 21:19:40 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2717字


Let's get together again


有机会───have a chance to;聚───gather


I'm very happy to have a chance to visit your school.───我很高兴有机会到你校参观.

Did you have a chance to look over the information I gave you, Mr. Wrigley?───Mr. Wrigley,您是否有机会看过上次我给您的那些资料?

Here, you have a chance to circulate and chat informally.───在这儿, 你有机会四处走动,还可以随便聊天.

you have a chance to do any sightseeing ?───你有没有出去游览的机会?

Only then will he have a chance to achieve his dream.───只有这样,他才有机会实现他的梦想。

It's so nice at the weekends to have a chance to lie in.───在周末有机会睡懒觉真是太好了.

We'll have a chance to talk to them later.───我们以后还有机会跟他们谈.

He was itching to have a chance to show off his English.───他急于想有机会表现一下他的英语才能.


How long will it be before I have a chance to get even?

Today you have a chance to air your views.

Does he have a chance to get a medal?

Did you have a chance to do any sightseeing?

Everyone will have a chance to make their views known at the meeting.