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时间:2022-09-13 21:50:49 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2482字


No hometown


无何乡───No hometown


To earn more money, some parents have no option but to leave their children at hometown and work in big cities.───为了挣更多的钱,一些父母别无选择,只能把孩子留在家乡,跑到大城市去工作。

He’s no hometown folk, ” he told aides as they shifted in a reception line. “He should clearly realize he is an American.”───他不是什么老乡,”他对助理说到,“他应该清醒地认识到他是个美国人。”

He's no hometown folk," he told aides as they shifted in a reception line.───他没有家乡的民歌,”他告诉助手,因为他们在接待线转移。

"He's no hometown folk, " he told aides as they shifted in a reception line. "He should clearly realize he is an American. "───“他不是什么老乡,”他对助理说到,“他应该清醒地认识到他是个美国人。”


"He's no hometown folk, " he told aides as they shifted in a reception line.