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时间:2022-09-13 22:29:31 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2780字


Broad minded


阔怀───Broad minded


A monarch should be a broad - minded man of vision.───作为一国国君应该有宽广的胸怀与眼光.

Broad - minded people won't bother about such trifles.───气量大的人对这点小事是不会介意的.

I like to think I'm broad-minded.───我倒想心胸开阔。

You need to be broad minded and always mind that real life is, sometimes, stranger than Photoshopped imagery and some of the most amazing, jaw-dropping of those photographs are, in fact, real.───你还需要开阔视野,始终要记住,现实的生活中,有时会出现比Photoshop处理图像更加惊奇的事情,那些令人瞠目结舌的照片(比如陈老师的摄影集),其实——是真实的!

One who can drain the cup of humiliation must be broad - minded.───能忍受胯下之辱的人,他的胸怀一定很宽大!

Excellent vision, and demonstrates the broad - minded investors.───第七句极佳视野, 彰显投资者的宽阔胸襟.

Why, George Babbitt , you're about as broad - minded and liberal as a razor - blade.───嘿, 乔治·巴比特, 你跟剃刀口那么宽宏大量,通情达理.

Are a gentleman? He should be the broad - minded cavalier who will tolerate, forgive and flatter her.───是男士 吗 ?他应该有士绅器宇,豁大胸襟,宽洪气量,可以包容, 原谅以及市欢她?
