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时间:2022-09-13 22:59:57 作者:星火作文 字数:2594字


handsome guy


帅哥───handsome guy


That's him in there, the handsome guy?" he asked.───就是他喽,那个帅哥?”他问道。

's a handsome guy/pretty girl like you doing here alone?───像你这样的帅哥/美女怎么会落单?

Brigitte: he is the most handsome guy.───林:而他就是那最英俊的男人。

The handsome guy with charming smile, he seems to have no trouble at all.───这个帅气的家伙面带迷人的微笑,他似乎没有烦恼。

Adrian is such a handsome guy that people often mistake him for a movie star.───安卓非常英俊,大家都误以为他是电影明星。

the smiley face handsome guy standing there smile at me made me felt so warm in that cold rainy morning. We went through the custom.───那个满脸笑容的帅哥冲着我笑笑得,让我觉得那个冷冷的又下着雨的清晨特别温暖。


The handsome guy beside the noble lady turned out to be her gigolo.

That's one handsome guy.

She lost her heart to the handsome guy.

This is a handsome guy. Look at him, he got a good looking runner bean nose.