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时间:2022-09-13 23:03:23 作者:语文迷 字数:2620字


Dying, dying


奄奄一息───be at one's last gasp;垂死───dying


When the famine years in yellow, the parents are old and sick, and not have enough for food and clothing, sick in bed, be at one's last gasp.───那时连年灾荒,黄花的父母年老多病,加上缺衣少食,病在床上,奄奄一息。

A dream can long survive in the bottom of my heart! To be at one's last gasp.───一个梦能在心底存活多久!才能奄奄一息地死去。

The evil mother Tang control Bailong and let him to steal, Bailong unfortunate wounded be at one's last gasp.───邪恶的汤婆婆控制白龙并让他去偷东西,白龙不幸负伤奄奄一息。

So, I was tortured clothes messy, be at one's last gasp.───就这样,我被折磨的衣衫凌乱,奄奄一息。


Grandfather while Du Jun went out in search of food, the joy out of door, Du Jun two times in the mountains around for several days to find be at one's last gasp.

The evil mother Tang control Bailong and let him to steal, Bailong unfortunate wounded be at one's last gasp.

So, I was tortured clothes messy, be at one's last gasp.