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时间:2022-09-13 23:08:39 作者:语文迷 字数:3288字


Decision psychology


决策───policy decision;心理学───Psychology


Chapter three is of the member of the advisory committee for policy decision.───第三章为决策咨询委员会成员的构成.

This calls out to the script operator the fact that a policy decision is captured here.───这向脚本操作员表明,一个策略决策是在这里捕获的。

They are looking at ways to disentangle him from this major policy decision.───他们正在寻找把他从这项重大政治决定中解脱出来的办法。

Integration with a policy decision point.───与策略决策点的集成。

They are looking at ways to disentangle him from this major policy decision.───他们正在想办法撇清他同这项重大决策的关系。

Hopefully it can also provide a practical basis for the curriculum administrators when making policy decision.───为我国中小学实施双语教学的可行性提供佐证,为中小学双语教学实践提供成功范例,为课程管理者和教育行政部门的决策提供依据.

Ecology must be a factor in policy decision making.───生态学必须成为决策管理的重要工具.

In producing a series such as this, a policy decision must be made about units.───编纂这样一套丛书, 必须对采用的单位制作出原则规定.


The policy decision was to maintain the sterling area, above all in its 1940 form as a zone of exchange control.

Several companies provide commercial policy decision point and policy enforcement point solutions, including IBM.

To base a major policy decision on shoddy science has never been acceptable.

Now, all is revealed through Labour's policy decision to ban opencast mining.

No foreign policy decision can be made because of the lame duck presidency.