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时间:2022-09-13 23:45:04 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2710字


Xiang Yu


项羽───Xiang Yu


Lady Yu was in Xiang Yu's company on all his campaigns.───虞姬一直在军中随项羽征战.

Seeing Xiang Yu lost, Ziwen generous in the Wujiang River Edge.───项羽眼见大势已去, 慷慨自刎于乌江边.

of Xiang Yu is located at the ancient Wotong Lane, birthplace of the Overlord in the West Chu Period.───位于宿城古梧桐巷,为西楚霸王项羽的出生地。

Xiang Yu, who had been so powerful and renowned for a time, cut his throat.───项羽,谁曾如此强大而闻名,一时间,割开他的喉咙。

Emperor burning books and burning A Fanggong and Xiang Yu is known to the world.───秦始皇烧书和项羽焚烧阿房宫而得以天下闻名.

The ash of the wood burn on the short wall, the ancient suspecter is Xiang Yu.───被废弃后留下黑色灰烬遗迹的隔梁墙顶, 首推的放火嫌疑犯被指是项羽.

But General Xiang Yu would be vindicated, both on the battlefield and in the annals of social science research.───但是战场上的胜利证明项羽将军是正确的,社会学研究的年报也支持他的做法。

The ash of wood burn on the short wall, the ancient suspecter is Xiang Yu.───被烧毁后留下玄色灰烬遗迹的隔梁墙顶, 首推的纵火嫌疑人被指是项羽.
