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时间:2022-09-14 00:01:16 作者:趣历史 字数:2327字


a forest farm


林场───a forest farm


A piece of heavy farm equipment worked in a sea of red dirt, where native forest once stood, as the field was prepared for soy bean cultivation in Mato Grosso, Brazil.───巴西马托·格罗索(Mato grosso)州,农场的重型设备在一片红土地中耕作。

The boar community has flourished in the forest after up to 350 escaped from a farm a decade ago and others were illegally dumped by the side of a road.───10年前高达350头野猪从一个农场里逃出来,其它的野猪被遗弃在公路旁后,森林里的野猪数量就开始在不断繁荣增长。

Called Korean Dandelion Farm, the small complex is located on the edge of a forest. It combines a production centre for herbal remedies with a peaceful visitor retreat.───这个坐落于森林边缘的小型综合体叫做韩国蒲公英农场。它结合了一个草药生产中心和一个安静的游客休息寓所。
