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时间:2022-09-14 00:08:12 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3446字


Discuss in detail


讨详───Discuss in detail


We'll discuss in detail later.───我们将在后面详细讨论。

Therefore we will focus on and discuss in detail the memory limitations affecting 32-bit systems.───因此,我们将焦点放在影响32位系统的内存限制,并对之进行详细的讨论。

Specifically, the article will discuss in detail the following topics.───确切地说,本文将详细地讨论下列主题。

I would welcome a personal interview to discuss in detail my ability as a teacher and my compatibility with the rest of your staff.───希望获得见面的机会,详细讨论作为教师的能力,以及我与你的其他员工协调工作的能力。

And that is something that we have not truly been prepared to discuss in detail for it is not an issue that we want people to grab on to.───我们并没有真正准备来讨论这其中的细节,因为那并不是我们希望你在此深入了解的话题。

This document should also discuss in detail how the two systems inter-operate at a business process level.───这个文档也应该详细讨论两个系统在业务流程级别上如何互操作。


Discuss in detail the torque characteristics of hoister double-fed cascade adjusting speed system and the designing calculation of starting torque of hoister shearing resistor.

This chapter has been a whirlwind tour of the TCP/IP protocol suite, introducing many of the terms and protocols that we discuss in detail in later chapters.

Finally, we discuss in detail the simulated results for simulant .

It is not our intention to discuss in detail the inactiveness phenomena of the real review work of the paper review system in The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies.

This article will discuss in detail each of those components and give some practical and useful tips on how to actively monitor database engine performance and how to be more proactive in tuning.