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时间:2022-09-14 00:12:21 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2606字


be guilty of a crime for which one deserves to die ten thousand deaths


罪───crime;万───ten thousand


an alarming increase in crime───犯罪活动骇人的增加

A crime or scandal brings much notoriety to those involved in it.───罪行或丑闻常使有牵连的人声名狼藉.

The law prescribes how to punish this crime.───法律对如何处罚这种犯罪做出规定.

He was forced into crime by circumstances.───他为环境所迫而犯罪.

All terrorist crime is detestable, whoever the victims.───无论受害者是谁,一切恐怖主义罪行都是可憎的。

an increase in violent crime───暴力犯罪活动的增加

His son's crime put the old man to shame.───这个老人因儿子犯罪而蒙受羞辱.

When we faced her with all the evidence, she admitted the crime.───我们把所有证据摆到她面前, 她认罪了.


The greater the crime, the higher the gallows.

Successful crime is called virtue.

The latest crime figures are a complete sham.

It's a crime to handle stolen goods.

The brutality of the crime has appalled the public.