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时间:2022-09-14 04:01:49 作者:星火作文 字数:2768字


Chen Qing


冏卿───Chen Qing


Xiuyuan was a famous doctor in qing dynasty, he was an outstanding theorist of TCM, medicine and a man who spreaded medicine knowledge.───清代名医陈修园,是一位杰出的中医理论家、临床家和普及家。陈氏一生潜心研究中医经典著作;

study on the old adherents to the collapsed Qing Dynasty is limited, and especially the research on Chen Kuilong is scarce.───晚清遗老的研究还不为学界所关注,特别是对于晚清遗老陈夔龙的研究更是稀少。

Chen Qing, general manager takes along all staff warmly welcome domestic and foreign new and old customers come to guide!───总经理陈海清携全体员工热忱欢迎国内、外新老客户莅临指导!

That words like this, Chen Qing Yang goes to the United States again to be on business, will see her?───那这样的话,陈青杨再到美国出差,会去看她吗?

Still have, Chen Qing Yang will with his new female does the companion drift along on the bed sheet that she buys?───还有,陈青杨会和他的新女朋在她买的床单上苟且吗?

If that she breaks up with Chen Qing Yang, Chen Qing Yang how long will seek the next female companion, also is the one more three years?───那假如她跟陈青杨分手的话,陈青杨多久会找下一个女朋,还会再一个三年吗?
