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时间:2022-09-14 04:04:02 作者:趣历史 字数:2818字






Q: I can see that my world is subjective. Does it make it also illusory?───我看得出我的世界是主观的. 这令它成为错觉 么 ?

The dangers it names, however, are largely illusory.───事实上,它说的危险性在很大程度上是欺骗性的.

Worth of dust are illusory, only the immediate and should be true.───万般尘埃皆虚幻, 唯有眼前故应真.

And the illusory middle class has to face its economic reality.───虚幻的中产阶级需要面对其经济现实.

Concerned about, not illusory mirage, but a real genuineness of the details and actions.───牵挂, 不是虚无缥缈的海市蜃楼, 而是一种实实在在的真真切切的细节与作为.

But they are illusory.───但它们是虚幻的.

But the gains are illusory.───但是,这种变化是虚幻的.

But the tranquillity was illusory.───但好景不长.


And like those concepts, its benefits are illusory and potential consequences alarming.

First impressions can often prove illusory.

The $ 200, 000 capital gain is illusory, reflecting the change in the overall price level since 1962.

The Ego is the limited, separated, illusory self which can not see beyond the end of its own nose.

Signs of economic recovery may be illusory.