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时间:2022-09-14 08:04:15 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2431字


He Huan


何欢───He Huan


Emperor Huan, the eunuch, I heard he good at Guqin, then petitioned the emperor that Liu-prefect to urge him in Beijing.───帝时,宦官专权,听说他善于鼓琴,于是奏请天子令陈留太守督促他入京。

Huan Zang hesitated, for he dared not go ahead to knock on the door of the house.───黄章犹豫了﹐他不敢上前去敲这栋房子的大门。

one cloudy afternoon, when Huan Zang, a young man in his late teens, was passing by the foot of a mountain, he heard a girl's giggling.───一个阴暗的午后﹐黄章﹐一个十八﹑九岁的年轻男子﹐于经过一座山脉的山脚下时﹐他听到了一个女孩子的傻笑声。

If did not have yesterday that deeply ingrained love, He Huan today this painful sorrow of parting.───如果没冇昨日那刻骨悳爱情、何患今日这痛苦的离愁。

Refers to the Ye He Huan tree by the butterfly fountain.───就是指蝴蝶泉边的夜合欢树。

He Huan Hua Albizia Flower───合欢花提取物
