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时间:2022-09-14 10:11:31 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2729字


Eat less meat


少吃肉───Eat less meat


Save the planet, eat less meat... right?───少吃肉,救地球…真的吗?

We will have to eat less meat.───我们将不得不更少的吃肉。

Eat less meat and cheese, and more fruits the vegetables.───少吃肉和奶酪。多吃水果和蔬菜。

If you are trying to eat less meat, or are making the commitment to be a vegetarian, these tips might help.───如果你正尝试着不吃肉或决定成为一名素食主义者,下面的这些小贴士可能对你有帮助。

'Consumers themselves would have to have the incentive to eat less meat and dairy, and there's not indication of that happening. '───“消费者应该自己有减少肉类和奶制品消费的欲望才可以,但是现在还看不到这些征兆。”

I'm not a vegetarian and I don't intend to be one but I eat less meat now.───我不是一个素食主义者并且我也并不想成为其中一员,但是我现在正在少吃肉。


First World consumers will have to eat less meat.

The doctor advises me to eat less meat.

Eat less meat and more vegetables. If you are not a vegetarian, choose more fish and chicken, rather than red meat. Meanwhile drink more yoghourt for adjusting.