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时间:2022-09-14 12:03:31 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2606字


I'll leave you alone


壹留兀渌───I'll leave you alone


But I think I'll leave you alone.───但是我想我还是离开吧。

OK, I'll leave you alone.───好了,我不打扰你了。

Okay then, I'll leave you alone.───那好吧,我会让你一个人呆着的。

Okay then, I'll leave you alone, But when you see a shape unknown, Do not go screaming out to me, 'Cos I won't tell you what I see.───那好吧,我会让你一个人呆着的。但是当你看到你不认识的形状时,别来冲我喊叫,因为我不会告诉你我看到了什么。

Lily Vautier: Well, I'll leave you alone with that lady. But if you behave like a gentleman, I'll break your neck.───跟那个女人在一起吧,我不管了,但如果你的举止像个绅士那样温文尔雅,我会拧断你的脖子。

More than most places, the mountain West still lives by the creed " Leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone. "───比起许多地方来,西部山区的人们仍然奉行“别惹我,我也不惹你”的信条。


I'll leave you alone here so you can mull it over.