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时间:2022-09-14 16:00:23 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2525字


The time origin of Spring Festival


起源───origin;春节───Spring Festival


What's the origin of your anxiety?───你焦虑的根源是什么?

Many words in the English language are French in origin.───英语中的许多词源于法语.

Living conditions are vastly different from those pertaining in their country of origin.───生活条件与他们祖国大不相同。

This truck is of unknown origin.───这辆卡车来历不明.

Her family is Portuguese in origin.───她的家族是葡萄牙血统.

One must not forget his origin, now that he is appointed to the leading post.───当了领导干部可不能忘本.

The origin of the custom is obscure.───该习俗的起源鲜为人知。

Quality counts above origin.───质量比产地更重要.


The term "black hole" is of very recent origin.

It's a book about the origin of the universe.

Many Americans are African by origin.

Her family is Portuguese in origin.

Without what should you play, you are my origin.