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时间:2022-09-14 16:04:45 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2911字


Vertical limit




Horizontal boiler and vertical boiler is the invention of the Europeans, squatting boiler is my invention.───立式汽锅和卧式汽锅是欧洲人创造, 蹲式汽锅是本人创造.

Diagonal beams has extended between the horizontal and vertical beams give against both compression and tension.───位于水平梁和垂直梁之间的对角梁承受压力和拉力.

He climbed the vertical cliff.───他攀登陡峭的悬崖.

We draw our vertical axis curve following the street we chose as the axis.───纵主轴曲线我们则画沿著我们选的当主轴的一条路.

the vertical axis of the graph───图的纵轴

Purpose: Power amplifier, TV vertical deflection output.───用途: 用于功率放大, 电视帧偏转输出.

Vertical value analysis insist on cooperation and truth between core enterprise and upper streamstream enterprise.───纵向价值链更加强调核心企业与上下游之间的合作和信任.

For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.───有些建筑的立面图能比平面图提供更多的信息。


The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.

Walls are usually vertical.

The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.

The board consists of vertical and horizontal lines.

The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical.