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时间:2022-09-14 20:02:10 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3093字


Words of fine weather


天气晴───It's fine;词───Words


's fine to be collaborative when seeking input.───寻求输入时,合作是很好的选择。

If you really don't like the cold, it's fine to go in the tub wearing running tights or sweatpants and a sweatshirt or towel wrapped around your upper body.───如果你实在不喜欢那种冰的感觉,你可以穿着运动紧身衣或是运动裤、运动衫或者在上半身裹条毛巾,然后再钻进浴缸里。

No, I say, it's fine.───没有,我说,挺好的。

"I know. It's fine. We'll talk about it later, " I said, ready to not think about it anymore as I dipped my roller.───“我明白。没事儿。我们可以以后再谈,”我一边说,一边把滚刷蘸上油漆,不打算再想这事了。

Phoebe: She's already fluffed that pillow. . . Monica, you know, you've already fluffed that- (Monica glares at her. ) -but, it's fine!───菲比:她已经拍过那个枕头了……。莫妮卡,你知道吗,你已经拍……(莫妮卡盯着她),不过,也无所谓了。

It's fine to leave something as long as you've got a plan to manifest something more exciting.───只要你已经有更令人振奋的计划,离开也不失为一件好事。


It's fine to ask questions as we go along, but it's better if you wait until we have finished.

This paper's not very good quality, but it's fine for rough work.

Provided it's fine we will have a pleasant holiday.

Stop obsessing about your hair. It's fine.

If it's fine tomorrow we'll go out.