Bow move
弓招───Bow move
She has two golden yellow pigtail, pigtail still wearing a pink bow, his eyes wide open, eyebrows long, rosy cheeks and a very popular move.───她有两条金黄色的小辫子,小辫子上还扎着粉红色的蝴蝶结,眼睛大大的,眉毛长长的,红润的脸颊非常招人喜爱。
When you move through water you create a 'bow wave' with your head and body, just like a boat does. The shape of the bow wave means the water level drops along the side of the swimmer's face.───当你随着你的头部和身体在水中移动的时候,你会随着产生一股“涡流”,类似小船产生的一样。涡流的形状表示水位沿着游泳者的面部两侧下降。
When the instructors calls for your attention, immediately bow to your partner and quickly move to the edge of the mat, sit down and listen.───当教练示意(如拍掌等)停下来有话说时,马上向你的训练伙伴鞠躬敬礼非尽快坐到垫子边上并认真听讲。
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