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时间:2022-09-15 00:01:52 作者:星火作文 字数:2656字


A gift


赠典───A gift


We all pitched in $10 to buy her a gift.───我们每人出10元钱给她买礼物。

The watch was a gift from my mother.───这块表是母亲给我的礼物。

They believed the unborn child was a gift from God.───他们相信那个尚未出生的孩子就是上帝赐予的一份礼物。

It would be too much of a gift to hardline Republicans if he also extended his hand to Mr Kim's clenched one.───如果他再向金正日抛出橄榄枝,那对国会中强硬的共和党人将是天赐良机。

Even if Goko, as a Muslim, does not celebrate Christmas, I wanted to get him a gift and found a t-shirt that I thought he would like.───虽然戈尔科是穆斯林,不过圣诞节,我仍想送他一份礼物。我看到一件我想他会喜欢的体恤衫。

Thoughts of her tugging at my heart, I decided to send a gift as a token of my love.───想法她用力拖在我的心脏,我决定送礼物作为我的爱象征。


The watch was a gift from my mother.

She received a gift as recompense.

Shall I take my host family a gift?

Shall I take a gift to my host family?

Nora has a gift for singing.