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时间:2022-09-15 04:00:04 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2689字


There is a motive




The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.───一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快.

He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.───他承认自己缺乏动力,总想犯懒。

The identity, motivation and methods of Chinese hackers are rarely traceable.───人们很少能追踪到中国黑客的身份 、 动机和手法.

This is the basis for the motivation to learn and for learning to be meaningful.───这样,学习动机才能成立,学习才会有意义.

What are the elements of learner motivation?───学生动机的要素是什么?

Innovation is the motivation that human civilization progresses.───创新是人类文明进步的动力.

He taught me a lot of things without any purpose and motivation.───他教会我很多东西没有任何目的和动机.

The problem is the length of the contract and my motivation to play football.───问题在于我能得到一份多长时间的合约和我还能再为足球付出多少心血.


Motivation to learn must come from the child; it cannot be artificially imposed.