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时间:2022-09-15 04:00:59 作者:星火作文 字数:2893字


Long distance backpacking




They examined him for some time while he was taking off his knapsack.───当他解下那口袋时,大家都打量了他好一会儿.

I leave the knapsack behind , with the few things that were left me.───我把背包留下了, 还有他给我的几件东西.

The moment he received the order, the soldier packed his knapsack.───士兵一接到命令就打了背包.

Will my sweater go in your knapsack?───你的背包里还放得下我的球衣 吗 ?

Knapsack problem is a typical NP complete problem.───背包问题是一个典型的NP完全问题.

The man took his stick and his knapsack and departed.───那人提起他的棍和布袋,走了.

This is about 01 knapsack problem dynamic programming algorithm.───这是关于01背包问题的动态规划算法.

" You can carry that blue knapsack. I'll take the tan one and the tripod. "───“ 你可以帮着拿那个蓝背包, 我拿那个土黄色的和三脚架. ”


He arrives for class with a tiny knapsack packed with his crayons, lunch box and a diaper.

Mom shook off my help and tried the knapsack once again.

Will my sweater go in your knapsack?

With knapsack in hand, a brisk pace is assumed.

His knapsack was so big that it proved a useful weapon in knocking encroaching sunbathers off his collection of sun loungers.