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时间:2022-09-15 04:04:06 作者:语文迷 字数:2862字


A good father


谊父───A good father


It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father.───协调我工作的要求与我当个好父亲的愿望很难。

He may be a good father but he's a terrible husband.───他或许是一位好父亲,但却是个很糟糕的丈夫。

He would be a good father to my children.───他会成为我孩子们的好父亲。

Mr Hawins said he thought Ashley was a good father before the discovery of the tattoo.───在孩子身上的纹身被发现之前,Hawins一直认为Ashley是个好父亲。

Sure. A good father never scolds his child. He buys lots of toys for his child and he never quarrels with his wife.───当然。一个好爸爸从不责骂他的孩子。他给他的孩子买很多玩具,而且他从不与妻子吵架。

Being an outstanding actor, a good husband and a good father, able to enjoy life by having only as much as I need.───成为一个著名的演员,做一个好丈和好父亲,能够尽情享受我的人生。


He may be a good father but he's a terrible husband.

He would be a good father to my children.

For all his faults he was a good father.

I learned that being a good father means being a good husband first.

But they no longer define being a good father almost exclusively in terms of the ability to provide economically.