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时间:2022-09-15 08:02:00 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3219字


Mathematical terms


数学专用词───Mathematical terms


In mathematical terms the models are "non-linear", meaning that effects need not be proportional to their causes.───用数学术语讲,这一模型是“非线性的”,表示“因与果之间是不成比例的”。

On a side note, in mathematical terms, RAID 1 is an AND function, whereas RAID 0 is an OR.───从一个方面说明,在数学术语上,RAID1是“和”函数,而RAID0是“或”函数。

In mathematical terms, values that are not known with complete certainty are called random variables.───在数学术语中,不完全确定的值称为随机变量。

By strict mathematical terms that the expected return "as" the expected cost of innovation activities to achieve the limit.───用严格的数学术语说,预期收益“等于”预期成本是发明创造活动所能够达到的极限。

in mathematical terms , the character set defines the set of all characters used in a language.───字符集以数字形式定义了一种语言中使用的所有字符。

Biological, medical, geological, physical and mathematical terms are only considered where they appear of interest to mainstream chemists.───生物学,医学,地质,物质和数学条件只考虑他们出现兴趣给主流化学家在那里。


This paper redefines depth map object recognition in precise mathematical terms as a generalized inverse set mapping.

In mathematical terms, an opinion is what Bing Liu, a computer scientist at the University of Illinois in Chicago, calls a "quintuple" or five-variable expression.

Newton's problem was to express in mathematical terms the gravitational force between different bodies.