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时间:2022-09-15 12:01:25 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3083字


Practice in different stages




Objective To investigate the clinical character, diagnosis and therapy of oblique vaginal septum syndrome.───目的探讨阴道斜隔综合征的临床特点 、 诊断及治疗方法.

In the lizard, a muscular septum partially divides the ventricle.───在虫蜴中,肌肉质的隔膜把心室部分地隔开。

Typical locations for endometriosis may include: ovaries, uterine ligaments, rectovaginal septum, pelvic peritoneum and laparotomy scars.───子宫内膜移位症发生的典型部位是卵巢 、 子宫韧带 、 直肠阴道隔 、 骨盆腹膜、剖腹术瘢痕.

The objective is to explore the feasibility of CT-guided puncture and cystoperitoneal shunt in the treatment of septum pellucidum cysts.───目的是探讨 CT 引导下穿刺和膀胱腹膜分流术治疗隔膜透明囊肿的可行性。

Aim To determine the value of septum mucosa and cartilage as grafts in repairing eyelid defects.───目的探讨游离鼻中隔粘膜软骨植片在眼睑缺损重建修复中的效果.

Methods Operated on 38 patients by strengthening orbital septum and overlapping orbicularis and followedfor six months.───目的:研究应用加强眶隔及重叠缝合眼轮匝肌缘的方法治疗睑袋.

The interventricular septum of the heart has been sectioned to reveal an extensive acute myocardial infarction.───心脏室间隔的断面显示了广泛的急性心肌梗死.

Objective To develop an effective, simple and convenient fix method after submucous resection of the septum.───目的探讨鼻中隔粘膜下切除术后有效 、 简便的鼻中隔固定方法.
