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时间:2022-09-15 12:04:46 作者:学习啦 字数:3258字






Adhesions resulting from a surgical procedure can cause pain, especially with movement of viscera.───粘连源于手术操作,能导致疼痛, 尤其是内脏移动时.

Sports motions can cause the redistribution of viscera blood flow.───运动可引起内脏血流的重新分配.

Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonic examination on in injuries of abdominal parenchymal viscera.───目的评价超声检查对腹部实质性脏器损伤的诊断价值.

Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic value of ultrasonography in the examination of injured hollow viscera.───目的: 探讨超声对空腔脏器损伤检查的诊断价值.

They may grow so large as to compress adjacent viscera.───它们可能长得很大而压迫临近脏器.

Scrape off scales of live croaker, dig a net viscera and gills, wash.───将活黄花鱼刮去鳞, 掏净内脏及鳃, 洗净.

It also was proved that and falling of viscera and generation according to the metabolism theory.───通过分析精、气、血、津液的代谢机理,论证脏腑之气的升降出入为生化之机.

Disposal of viscera is often problem.───通常,对内脏的处理是个问题.


Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.

The viscera were removed, encased and buried at night by torchlight.

Determination of aluminium in viscera is conducted by adopting microwave digestion technique.

The cervical fascial spaces surrounding the viscera below the hyoid bone of 36 male adult cadavers were investigated by serial sections and injection methods.

Herniation of abdominal viscera into the thorax following traumatic diaphragmatic rupture can simulate acute tension pneumothorax.