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时间:2022-09-15 16:01:09 作者:星火作文 字数:2890字


Tattoo artist


纹身师───Tattoo artist


Choose the flower tattoo which inspires you most and turn to a professional tattoo artist for best results!───你要选择那些最让你有感触的花,而且要找专业的纹身艺术家保证最好的质量。

Tattoo Artist: "But, of course. It's one of our most popular."───纹身师:“儅然有啊,这是我们这边最火的呢。”

You simply visit your tattoo artist and have them trace over the tattoo with a removal solution.───你只需去找纹身艺术家,让他们在你的纹身上涂上纹身消除溶液。

Tattoo Artist Huh. I wonder who will be brave enough to be your first customer as the vaults new Tattoo Artist? I promise it wont be me.───啥?不知道谁那会带种会成我们新纹身艺术师的第一位客户。总之不可能是我就是了。

Barbie has been an astronaut, a doctor, a teacher and a princess a thousand times over. But a tattoo artist?───芭比过去曾数千次地扮演过宇航员,医生,教师和公主的角色,但是刺青艺术家芭比有没有尝试过呢?

On a recent weekday morning, a plumber, an actress and a tattoo artist all came in.───最近一个工作日的早上,一名水管工、一名女演员还有一名纹身工作者来到沃登的药店。


" Indelible ink on the idea of guns on Rihanna "from" her tattoo artist.