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时间:2022-09-15 16:04:27 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2989字


Talking about drunk driving


酒驾───Drunk driving;谈论───talk about


I think it's high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now.───我以为这是我们必须器重酒后驾驶的危险性的时候了.

His license was revoked due to his drunk driving.───由于酒后驾车,他被吊扣了执照.

There has been a good deal of propaganda about the dangers of drunk driving.───关于酒后驾驶的危害已做过大量宣传.

It was whispered about that he had a conviction for drunk driving.───私下里流传他犯了酒后驾驶罪.

His licence was suspended for drunk driving.───他的驾驶执照因酗酒开车被暂时吊销.

He was arrested for drunk driving.───他因为醉酒驾车被拘留了。

Anyone can fulfill their social responsibilities, such as do not spit, cannot be drunk driving.───任何一个人都可以履行社会责任, 比如不要随地吐痰, 不能酒后驾车.

The recent accidents caused the government to think about legislating against drunk driving.───近日发生的多宗车祸,促使政府考虑立例禁止酒后驾驶.


Drunk driving fatalities have declined more than 10 percent over the past 10 years.

The courts often let those convicted of drunk driving serve their time on weekends.

Williams recently completed probation after a 1994 drunk driving charge.

The new law on drunk driving is being seen as a major step forward.

He received a prison term for drunk driving.