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时间:2022-09-16 00:00:18 作者:语文迷 字数:2518字


Black cloth




Sophia stanched the blood with a cloth.───索菲亚用一布块止住了血.

I bound the cloth around my head to stop the bleeding.───我将布裹在头上止血.

The cloth should be laid flat.───布应展开平放。

The cloth has lost its colour.───这布掉色了.

She passed the needle through the rough cloth, back and forth.───她一针一针地缝那块粗布。

This cloth is so thin that you can pick a hole in it with your finger.───这块布料这么薄,用手指就能扎出个洞来.

He whisked the dust off his desk with a cloth.───他用一块布把桌子的灰尘掸掉.

He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the table cloth.───他打翻了一瓶墨水把桌布弄脏了.


My clothes were made of coarse cloth.

She bought some cloth to make a curtain.

Cotton and cloth are being rationed out now.

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Either dye or paints are used to colour cloth.